Target Operating Models
If you are running digital developments using traditional methods which leverage low cost offshore resources then you are not even on the curve, never-mind being behind it.
The smart digital money is using crowd sourcing principles to develop solutions by applying some of the best brains on the planet, within a competitive design / build framework (eg Topcoder). This may be termed a Digital Development Community and it can augment DevOps initiatives where key business / technology stakeholders work together to set out (and iterate) business needs and collectively create the solution.
These creative digital mechanisms when successfully coupled with the SaaS solutions and data integration / BI platforms really provide for the digital acceleration expected at board level. Leading organisations have or are developing new Digital Solution Operating Models that incorporate the above (and more) in order to get ahead of business competition. On the other hand, you could create a new project / PID and send it to Mumbi for a quote (SLA 2 weeks).
Few IT organisations have a well-designed operating model with services, resources, process, tools and performance targets defined at the macro (whole IT function) and at the micro (team) level.
Designing your future IT operating model (or Target Operating Model TOM) is a key activity for any CIO or IT management team, particularly if you operate with outsourcing suppliers.
A compelling start point is to develop a tailored ITIL V4 Target Operating Model Map of IT functions across an IT organisation. It references existing resources, processes and tools and maps the components to the ITIL V4 framework.
The ITIL V4 TOM Map includes analysis of your internal IT operation and major outsourcing contracts against the Principles, Governance, Service Value Chain, Practices, Continuous Improvement and Dimensions of ITIL V4.
Once the ITIL V4 TOM Map is presented to the IT Management Team the strengths and improvement opportunities (gaps) are identified and a plan of action can be developed. IT Per4mance has extensive experience of helping organisations design and build their optimum Operating Model to suit their particular business value drivers and Digital ambitions.
For future TOM design, IT Per4mance can augment an ITIL V4 based TOM with various other frameworks such as; COBit, IT4IT, IT-CMF, ITIL, MOF and SFIA.
Overview of development of the Target Operating Model: Each IT team should develop a Target Operating Model V1 (eg the Hosting TOM V1), based on our standard template. This TOM V1 is input, with others, to a two day TOM Integration Workshop to create an cohesive IT TOM. Based on data in the top level IT TOM each function creates their TOM2 which is then enriched with a set of supporting blueprints for key aspects of their TOM.
The end to end blueprints should be aligned, agreed, quality assured and documented. The IT TOM document plus the Tactical Blueprints set out the future requirements for a service management tool, such as Service Now. The service management tool, once configured, automates the agreed workflow for 80% plus of repeatable activities.